Why Parents love Compositive

Watching my older son (5) transition so smoothly into a full-time school environment has further supported my impression that this school is designed so kids can be themselves and learn at the same time. The approach of allowing kids to guide their learning through their own interests and intersecting that with the warm family environments of the classroom is very encouraging for any parent to see. I believe that Compositive Primary centers education around individual learning and community within the classroom and school. This is the type of environment I have always hope I would find for my boys.
Just wanted to say that my kiddos (ages 4 and 6) are at Compositive and it has been WONDERFUL for our family. It’s an understatement to say that they completely changed my daughter’s attitude towards learning, school, and her mood in general. The teachers are incredible, the community is amazing, the location can’t be beat. Their preschool pricing is amazing compared to the community and they offer ECE3 and 4 ALL DAY (game changer), and have full day before and aftercare for those of us that can’t swing the normal school hours. They go up to 5th grade. I would be happy to talk with any of you if you have questions or are interested.